Monday, October 3, 2011

You've had this pair of gloves this whole time...?

Wanna weird out a New Yorker?  Walk by one on the street and give em a big Mid-Western smile and "Hi, how ya doin?"  They look at you like you just slapped them over the head with a big bag of weird and stare at you for a few seconds like you just ate a booger.  I love this town!!!

So I was on the subway heading downtown one day and all of the sudden 6 kids jump on the train like they're gonna steal everybody's money... but instead they start doing break dancing to an 80's boombox.  This 8 year old kid was doing the dopest break dancer moves ever!  Only in New York can you see a Mariachi band and a break dance troop all for the cost of 1 subway ride($2.50). I was rushing to meet a friend for a drink and I had to show up a half hour late because I had to see this black dude do a flip or 10 kids standing side by side.... on concrete  WHOA!

Starting to get cold in the city!  Whoo hoo.. not even Halloween yet and I'm already excited about Christmas!!  Speaking of which... I need to get organized and come up with some sweetness for my costume.

So... I have this amazing future sister-in-law that has this incredibly talented amazing family that I got to spend the weekend with cause they live near NYC.  Her sister lives in Manhattan and is a VP for the fashion designer J. Mendel.  I walked by Lincoln center and saw that it was Mercedes fashion week.  Then I was like HOLD UP WAAAAIIIIIIT snoop dogg style and said I wonder if I can get in because of my future sister-in-laws sister.   Dude.... she took me to an exclusive party at the Gramercy Hotel with nothing but beautiful models, open bar, and gay men!  BAH AH AHAAAA.  It was incredible!  I got a picture with Monsieur. J. Mendel  himself.

On a nerdy note-  I saw opening night at the MET with Anna Netrebko and Steven Costello in the production of Anna Bolena.  The singing was hit or miss.  There were some really world class moments though.  The production was great.  The ending was super epic.. but I'm not gonna ruin it for anybody who might still wanna see it.

Tomorrow, I'll be competing in a voice competition called Opera Index.  This one's cool because you have to be recommended by opera professionals and they pick based on your resume AND they give lots of money.  I'll be competing against singers that are much older and have a lot more time in the business than I do, but I'm thrilled to compete at this next level.  It's the reason why I moved to NYC instead of taking a job in Arizona for a year.  

Tomorrow night, my friend is taking me to my first show on Broadway.  She won't tell me what it is but I'm super excited.

Next time you're in an elevator, walk in and stand the opposite way as everyone else with your nose touching the back wall.... dare you.  

Excuse me Flo....

1 comment:

  1. YOU! Are a great writer - it's like I can hear you talking. Keep it up, Daniel!
    Kristin G
